The Multilateralist
Robert D. Anderson
Part-time academic; independent consultant and trainer
Check out my new book:
Anderson, Robert D., Alison Jones and William E. Kovacic, Combatting Corruption and Collusion in Public Procurement: A Challenge for Governments Worldwide (Oxford University Press, 2024). See https://academic.oup.com/book/57840 (Oxford Academic) and https://a.co/d/cjfjAwR (Amazon).
What this website is about
This website focuses on the professional interests of Robert D. Anderson, part-time academic, consultant, trainer, former senior staff member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat (1997-2019) and, earlier in his career, former staff member of the Canadian Competition Bureau (1982-1997) and of the Saskatchewan (Province of Canada) Budget Bureau (1981-82).
These interests include:
The history, rationale for and future of multilateralism;
International government procurement policy (centering on the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (see https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/gproc_e/gproc_e.htm) and related regional and bilateral trade agreements);
Procurement reforms in emerging and developing economies;
International dimensions and applications of competition policy (see, for relevant WTO work, https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/comp_e/comp_e.htm);
The relationship of competition policy to government procurement; and
The relationship of competition policy and intellectual property rights.​
NB: this website does NOT attempt to track the latest developments concerning WTO case law or negotiations. For that, I recommend the International Economic Law and Policy Blog (https://worldtradelaw.typepad.com/) and the website of the WTO itself (www.wto.org).
For current developments regarding international government procurement policy, I recommend the websites of Jean Heilman Grier (https://trade.djaghe.com/) and Prof. Chris Yukins of the George Washington University (https://publicprocurementinternational.com/).