The Multilateralist
Robert D. Anderson
Part-time academic; independent consultant and trainer
International Trade Centre, Geneva Switzerland - Senior consultant to the Arise Plus Thailand Project, an ongoing major capacity building program funded by the European Union and focused on the public procurement and competition agencies of Thailand, and multiple other projects.
Inter-American Development Bank - lead teacher and organizer of a recent extended workshop on the WTO Government Procurement for the government of Brazil (summer 2020) and an upcoming follow-up session (May 2021).
US Commercial Law Development Program, Department of Commerce - contributor, inter alia, to a capacity building program on competition policy and public procurement in the Dominican Republic.
University of Nottingham, School of Law (Occasional).
University of Rome Tor Vergata, International Masters Program on Public Procurement Management (March 2020 and March 2021).
University of Belgrade, Public Procurement Management Program (October 2020 and February 2021).​​
​Public Procurement Research Group (based at University of Nottingham).
Editorial Board, Public Procurement Law Review
Advisory Board, World Competition - Law and Economics Review​
CURRENT WRITING PROJECTS (in progress; not imminently forthcoming)
Paper on "Protectionism in Public Procurement: Current Scenarios and Potential Impacts" (for presentation at a conference in Lisbon, Portugal, September 2025)